Legal address::

Zavodskaya str., Krivsk, Buda-Kashalyowa district, Gomel region, Republic of Belarus, 247392

tel/fax + 375-2336-45-660 - secretary

tel/fax + 375-2336-45-661 - account department


Director - Garusov Alexander +375-29-175-95-47

Deputy of General Director - Babushkin Nikolay +375-33-651-28-84

Chief accountant - Karpovich Elena +375-29-534-55-51

портал Президента Республики Беларусь

The Internet Portal the President of the Respublic of Belarus

Гродненский облисполком

Gomel Oblast Executive Committee

Кореличский райисполком

Committee on Agriculture and Food of the Gomel oblast executive committee